Friday, May 8, 2015

Freedom Of Speech And Pam Geller Part 1

My apologies as to everything being run together. blogger is being quite contrary today.

Folks, today I am beyond mad. I have every intention of going off on a completely CORRECT, not Politically Correct, but CORRECT tirade. Let me be completely up front here. In the haste to condemn Pamela Geller and all who, by exercising their rights to Free Speech, seem to have “offended” those who either don’t agree or worse, feel they have the right to not only dictate to others what to think and say but in fact take that right to say it away from them I can only say those people can go directly to hell!

Many out there do not like what I say or think. Does anyone think for one moment I really give a rat’s ass about that? What I and others have to say is considered hate speech or worse. Really? Should I really care what anyone thinks if I feel I am right and on firm ground in my convictions?
Well folks, let’s go ahead and get your panties into a wad right away. 
It is my feeling we have a racist, Communist in  the White House, one that was elected by mind dead morons who are either too damned dumb or worse do not believe in this country’s greatness and ideals. He is surrounded by racists and not only ant-American ideologues but worse, he and those in his inner circle are not only anti-Semite but apparently anti-Christian! And we have a co-opted press that also has proven to be just as bad as to their bias against religion and this country in general! For the edification of the lefties, here’s a bit of hate speech towards your anti-Semite so called leader!

Wait, I’m not even close to done yet! I’m tired of the white privilege bullshit! When and if the racist in charge and the wailing heads start talking about and addressing the horrific black on black crimes as well as the fact that, unfortunately the vast majority of violent crimes are in fact in the inner cities, I will consider listening. Until then, far too many people have fought their way out of poverty and worse to be insulted by the Sharptons, Jacksons and Obamas (BTW: Who in the hell does Michelle think she is to go crying about how she feels she and all blacks “are not welcome” on Museums?). We listen to crap like that from a pampered bitch and you expect anyone to take it seriously? 
Finally, the thing that has really set me off. I have had it up to here with this Muslim loving President and his minions who have chosen to ignore the evil and worse that is radical Islam! I have no intention of bending over and allowing Islam to rule my life! I have no intention of ignoring my responsibility to speak out against those who are willing to enslave the world in order to have their one sadistic religion or what they at least think it is. And I sure as hell refuse to sit back and be silent while these savages commit a new holocaust against not only Jews bit also Christians and all who do not submit to their ideals. There you go folks, more hate speech for those who don’t like it! 
And for those who don’t like it, you can all kiss my you know what because I really don’t care what you think anymore than you care what I think. The difference however is I do in fact listen to the other side because I will defend to the end their right to spout bullshit. I won’t agree for sure with what they have to say, but in this country, they have the right to say it and make idiots of themselves, just as I’m sure that is how many feel about me and those who stand as I do (By how they fell about me, I mean they think I’m and idiot. I realize they feel I do not have the right to my own thoughts!).
Of course, many will consider me racist or worse for my thoughts here although when I do comment on things like this, I try my damndest to base it on fact. Well, seeing as facts do not matter to the mind dead left (and unfortunately, especially in the current Geller case far to many lying bastards on the right), I again say, I don’t give a damn what they think. I’ll sure as hell keep saying it as is my right! 
The law of the land is clear, yet the only real voice in any news outlet defending it to the hilt is Megan Kelly! So before I go into my next part of this tirade, let me once again state the Law of the Land as it pertains to Freedom of Speech! 
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

This law is sacred, yet the politically correct, the elites and worse, the so called victims of nothing other than their own idiocy are willing to take away that right from those who disagree with them. I stumbled across the following from George Orwell which should be a fair warning of what is now transpiring in this country.


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