Thursday, December 23, 2010

Our children's Future

For my Christmas this year, I am lucky enough to have my grand kids here with me. As I look at them, I wonder just what our legacy is actually going to be. What have we left them or maybe a better question, what have we done to them?

My forefathers fought for and built the greatest country this world has ever known, one that opened her arms to all and embraced them with the promise of equal rights and freedom. Yes, we had some bad bumps on the way, but slowly and surely we built upon the foundations left to us from those wonderful folks who fought a Revolution and a Civil War. There were mistakes and there were triumphs. One wondrous thing came out of it. The United States of America!

However, one must be circumspect and take a look at us now. So many people in this nation now stand with their hands out, unwilling to help themselves. They only concern themselves with their own selfishness. Even as we try to right the wrongs of the past, the racist leaders out there prefer to preach hate and entitlement instead of “strive for perfection’, a right that is granted to all.

We have the powerful pitting the rich against the poor. They penalize achievement. They take away incentive. And they have the utter gall to tell a family that government are the only ones that have the right to one’s life earnings once they die, family be damned! Funny, I don’t remember anything in the constitution saying government has the right to my family’s trust. Yet people like Barney Frank says it belongs the government.

We have a Mainstream Media that is nothing more than a propaganda arm for this government. Lies galore as this one:
Republicans block youth immigration bill
“Senate Republicans on Saturday doomed an effort that would have given hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants a path to legal status if they enrolled in college or joined the military”

Anyone with one ounce of brains knows that the Democrats had unstoppable majorities in both houses, yet the media reports that the opposition blocked this and other so called worthy bills when in fact as in this instance, the President’s own party had defections and they in fact stopped this bad bill. Yet, the media prefers to tell the big lie. Yes Virginia, we are teaching our children to lie. The President does it, our elected officials do it and the media follows suit. In turn, our educators teach the same lies and parents are vilified (Michelle Obama statement: We can’t leave it to the parents”). When does it stop?

The list is too long to go on and I’m sure you get my drift. The lies keep coming and our future generations will suffer. As if that isn’t bad enough, we have the fact that this country is now following the socialist model that this treasonous President and Congress have chosen for it. The debt owed by our children and grandchildren is staggering! The income redistribution espoused by this President and his Marxist cronies is not only destroying our country as we know it, it is taking away any hope for our children's and grand children’s future.

I for one do not want my children to live under the Marxist dictatorship that is headed our way. I do not say this lightly! History is supposed to teach us yet this country led by this Socialist president and congress is in the process of yanking our children’s future out from under them. Our education system is in shambles as is evidenced by a study that came out just the other day that 23% or something like that (forgot the exact figure, but it was high) of people enlisting in the armed services cannot pass the simple basic knowledge testing! This is what we’ve done for our children. Basically we have a government that wants the people to be nothing more than servile.

Our children do not deserve this! For the first time in my life, I do not see us being able to leave our children a better country! I look at my grandchildren and wonder. What could I have done better? What can we as a people do to save our country for our children? This might be the most important question of them all. Our children are indeed our future. If we choose to keep going down the path we are now pursuing, I fear their future will be one of Marxist enslavement. I fear for our children as we all should! We need to take our country back now, for their sake if not for ours.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Loss and some Tirades

Before I get into my tirade of the day, I want to comment on the loss today of Ron Santo. Many days when I was young, I sat on the third base side of Wrigley and was privileged to witness the play of one of the greatest third basemen of our time (no disrespect here to Brooks Robinson who, Cubs fan that I am was and is the greatest). A skilled player and feisty competitor, Santo, along with Banks, Kessinger, Williams and the others always were able to remind me that the game is just that, a game. He, along with Banks, spent God knows how much time signing autographs and talking to us kids. Imagine that! He actually would walk up to us and talk. And although one could always see the joy in his game. I will never forget the look on his face when the last out was played in “69” and the Cubs had blown that lead. The pain was there for all to see. We have lost a marvelous ball player and a hell of a man.

Now, Tirade number 1. As all now know, we have in progress for all to see the Wikileaks fiasco going on. We have the NYT stating these leaks make for transparency and as such they should be published (this from the same entity that refused to publish the leaked memos that debunk climate change due to the fact that they were stolen. Such hypocrisy) We have Hillary expressing her outrage and for all practical purposes, not a word from our moron in chief who at this moment, as usual has run away, in this instance to Afghanistan to avoid addressing any situation that reflects badly on his administration. My question here. Where is the real outrage from these clowns? This is the third set of leaks! We had a statement for the Attorney General. He said they were going to investigate this severe breach of security. Probabaly the only reason he commented at all is because this set of leaks illustrates how badly this administration conducts foreign policy. Don’t have to defedt the Bush administration, but sure as heel, he has to defend the Bozo administration. Then what? He headed across the pond to lobby for the World Cup! Can anyone out there tell me why the AG needed to do this? That was more important than enforcing our laws?

As if that isn’t bad enough, we have the Anti-American left propaganda machine known as the MSM actually trying to justify and find excuses for the man who stole the secrets (For what it’s worth, I truly believe there is more than just PFC. Manning involved in this). So, my slant on this as I’ve posted on other sites.

“First and foremost. This is treason of the highest order! PFC. Manning and if possible this Assange guy ( and I know we cannot charge him with treason, he’s a foreigner) should be tried and executed as should any others involved. Those are my beliefs. As an example, being a Jew, my ears perked up when Bibi put as a condition to stall settlements on the West Bank the release of Jonathan Pollard. As we all know, he was spying for Israel. Some folks seem to think as he was doing it for an all, he should be cut some slack. NO! He is a spy! He committed treason against this country. As such he should have been shot as should the 2 people mentioned above.
The really galling part is the NYT as well as our moron Attorney General? This has been going on for some time now. As one will never convince me that there are not so many more people involved than just the PFC in these releases, one must ask not only where is the outrage against scum bag papers like the NYT, but also exactly what are our investigative entities doing about this? There seems to be little outrage on the left. The President is hiding, the Secretary of State is out trying to pull the covers over it and security apparatus of this country is too busy branding our own citizens as extremists, choosing to ignore the real enemies of this country. One could well start with the NYT as one of those real enemies. The very fact that this so called “Paper of Record” can openly try to justify publishing this is in my view an act of treason as well. They put their open leftist agenda above the good of our country.”

Now as to the leaks. So far, what has come out has pretty well been known or suspected by all. The one leak I really want to comment on is in reference to missiles that have not only been sold to Iran from N.Korea, but also they in fact have missiles that can travel 2,000 miles. In effect, the NORKS can easily deliver a bomb over the border where we have 35,000 troops based. I have commented on this numerous times in the past. When madmen rule, bad things can and do happen. One cannot and should not negotiate with madmen and ideologues. One must put this politically correct B.S, aside and do what they must! In Iran’s case, the hell with the we mustn’t upset the Muslims crap! In the case of N.Korea, we must not stand by and wait until the madman does something stupid. Our weakness is on display for all and China is reaping the benefits! As I posted on other sites:

“This whole problem stems back to our friend Weird Willie (Mr. Clinton for you leftists out there) He allowed missile guidance technology to be sold to the Red Chinese who in turn gave it to the NORKS. The fact that the NORKs in turn sent entire missiles to Tehran fits in perfectly with the Red Chinese aim of disrupting the U.S. and her allies. Also, as I have said in past posts. This proves not only the fact that the NORKs do indeed have a delivery system, but also points out the grave danger to not only our troops in the south, but to the entire region.”

Finally, there have been numerous stories and what not as to the obsession the MSM and the Left have with Sarah Palin. Other than the fact that they basically will continue to throw hate and condescension towards her hoping to convince the electorate she is in effect not worthy of their votes, I find most of it quite funny. However, I am fed up with Media idiots going not only after her family, but most politicians’, families if they don’t agree with what the left wants! Case in point, Bristol Palin.
There’s no need to go into the Dancing With The Stars B.S. or anything else as to this discussion. The other night, Keith Olberman, as is his wont, went off on Bristol, basically questioning her right to speak out in behalf of abstinence as to teenage sex. Basically as Bristol is a teen mother, this should in effect disqualify her from trying to inform the teens of our country to not make the same mistake she made. I wonder sometimes how the Palins and other political families ( I would even include the President in this if they ever go after his children) put up with this. Enough from me on this. I will let Bristol defend herself in her own words below. She states perfectly how a person can and should mature and learn from their mistakes, a lesson many politicians and journalists should learn themselves.

“What Mr. Olbermann lacks in originality he makes up for with insincere incredulity. Mr. Olbermann fails to understand that in order to have credibility as a spokesperson, it sometimes takes a person who has made mistakes. Parents warn their children about the mistakes they made so they are not repeated. Former gang members travel to schools to educate teenagers about the risks of gang life. Recovered addicts lecture to others about the risks of alcohol and drug abuse. And yes, a teen mother talks about the benefits of preventing teen pregnancy.
I have never claimed to be perfect. If that makes me the "worst person in the world" to Mr. Olbermann, then I must apologize for not being absolutely faultless like he undoubtedly must be.”

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is the day we give thanks. Looking around, one would think that Thanksgiving has pretty much degenerated to nothing more than a family gathering at the most on an extra day off, but not much more. I wonder how many folks out here even remember the true meaning of this holiday. So many kids I see now haven't a clue, nor do many of our citizens grasp what this holiday means and why we should be so thankful. For those who do care, however, for those who understand, this holiday is so much more than family thankfulness. It is a time to give thanks for everything our country stands for as well.

When the pilgrims came over, they faced many extreme obstacles. A severe winter and unfamiliar surroundings combined with having to fend for themselves was a daunting task. yet, they persevered. They made friends with the Indians and with their cooperation and help survived. Thus, came the day of Thanksgiving.

Enough of the very brief history lesson from my little world. The main point is what is it that one should be thankful for in these crazy stressful times? I've thought about this alot and here is my little slant on it.

First and foremost I am thankful for my wonderful wife of 35 years, our kids and grandkids and all the people throughout my life, parents, etc, who have been there for me. Family and friends are one of the most cherished things one can have and I am blessed.

Once one gets passed the obvious family thing though, what else should we be thankful for. Many people in this country are to busy with their own insane (in my view) agendas to even remotely stop to be thankful for this country and the very thing that gives them the right ot be who they are. This saddens me to no end. Therefore, here is what else I am thankful for.

I give thanks to the founding fathers, the men and women who gave us the basic foundation of this wondrous country. Everything we are stems from their efforts and sacrifices and they did in fact sacrifice so much more that many folks want to admit to. Thanks to them, I have the right to express my opinion without fear of prosecution, that is at least I do at this moment. The fact that there are people in this country who feel our leaders should be allowed to stifle free speech is abhorrent to me. To many people have sacrificed the ultimate to give me and everyone that very basic right.

I give thanks to the wonderful men and women who comprise our military, the best in the world. These people selfishly give of themselves yet so many people in this country openly despise them. How can this be? Thousands have given their life and blood for our freedom yet so many cannot find it in their hearts to give them thanks?

I give thanks to the people of this country who still hold true to her core values. These folks, patriots all are at the forefront of trying to restore our core values to their rightful standing.

I don't want to be long winded here, so I hope you all get my drift. We have so much to be thankful for and so much to fight for.

Finally, I want to give thanks to the United States of America, my home! Despite our apologetic leaders open disdain for her, our country is in fact the greatest country this world has ever seen. While our leaders now openly work to tear apart our very fabric, the main population refuse to march lockstep to the Pied Piper in the White House. Instead they have chosen to look deep inside their history and themselves and have chosen to stand up and be counted in the fight against the the cancer that is seeping through our government and country. To those brave people. I give my profound thanks!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Soldier's Plea For Resposinilty By All Of Us!

I saw this on the “ Maggie’s Notebook Blogsite”. As I read it, I thought of my son-in-law who is at this moment in Afghanistan as well as my father and step-fathers, Veterans from WWII who sacrificed so much as did countless thousands to give us and defend our country and her liberties. This is one of the most powerful things I have ever read! It is an indictment of an electorate, well deserved that has failed in their most sacred duty to their country. That is taking their right to vote seriously! Because of that one fact, this country is on the edge of total destruction both morally and financially. The men and women who have fought for us do not deserve what is now happening here in the U.S.

Please read this letter and remember exactly what it is that these men and women stand for. Duty, Honor and Country. They fight for us! They sure as hell do not deserve seeing their sacrifices all for naught as the Leftist leaders of this country whittle away the very rights these fine men and women have fought for! God Bless You Major Banzet! And thank you for you service and sacrifice!


I never expected to write this letter, but my Mom e-mailed me to get information about my career for a writeup on Veterans Day, and as this is the first such holiday in 22 years when I will not be on active duty, I felt compelled to let you know why I decided to quit.

Quit is a strong word, I know. Everyone I’ve talked to has repeated that I’ve had a marvelous career and that I’ve retired with honor. Maybe that’s true on paper; I guess that it’s reflected by the record. But that’s not how I feel. I feel like I’ve quit. And because I’m not a quitter, I feel I have to explain why — not that anyone is asking, but because perhaps they don’t know to ask.

Briefly, my career had been a representation of the promise of this country. Starting out on the lowest rung of the rank ladder as an F-4G Wild Weasel crew chief, continuing on F-16s and the F-117A Stealth fighter in Desert Storm, then a small part of Desert Fox as a nuclear Maintenance Officer and finally a pilot that took part in numerous deployments in Southern Watch, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. I finished up an awesome year on the ground in Iraq, and was selected to receive a coveted “Definitely Promote,” assuring me of promotion to lieutenant colonel. They don’t pass out many of those. My dreams were right in front of me. All I had to do was grab them. And then I retired. Why?

Atlas Shrugged.

I had chosen, freely, to place my life between those that would do harm to the U.S. and those whom I would protect: her citizens. I had always believed in the best of America and the people of her lands; that despite occasional missteps there was a general “rightness” to our way. I lived that belief for 22 years, leading and following warriors into combat. I’m certainly no war hero; my brothers in arms have seen far more combat, more intense and personal than I. But I have become acquainted with death in a way that I hope you never do. My last tour, on the ground in Iraq was where my heart started to be hardened towards you, the electorate, and culminated in this letter, written two days before our elections. And here’s why.

You’ve elected officials who, for partisan points, spoke openly that the “…war is lost.” I happened to be in a dining facility in Baghdad that day, filled with the (mostly) young faces of (mostly) Army men and women. CNN was on the TVs, and things got very quiet when this elected official continued on, railing that the mission that some of these very people were here to do, had “…failed.” Yet, they would be donning their body armor, strapping on med kits and weapons, mounting HMMVs or MRAPs and heading outside the wire, ensuring that the newborn democracy in Iraq, purchased with so many lives, would be safe another night. The newly re-invigorated insurgents would be waiting, teeth bared back in a hateful smile, gripping the IED detonator, the RPG launcher, or the AK-47s to ply their trade with new energy, because the Senate Majority Leader had said they were winning.

You elected officials who continually defame and berate military members, whether it is the observation that if you’re not too bright, you’ll get “…stuck in Iraq” (this from a guy who has two Purple Hearts for self-inflicted wounds, and known for throwing someone else’s medals away in protest), or the calling of combat Marines cold-blooded killers (in a war; before trial). You’ve elected officials in the role of commander-in-chief who “loathe” the military, while using ROTC deferments and special treatment to avoid military service that the less “connected” take as a responsibility. On the basis of “change,” you elected someone who had close, ongoing associations with people who were part of an organization that tried to kill us [U.S. military] on our own soil.

You elected officials that promised to take property from some Americans, and give it to you, merely because they had more than you did. Those Americans that these officials have labeled as the “rich” are your neighbors, who provide jobs and pay far more in taxes than you ever will. That means they are already subsidizing your lifestyle choices; you just want more of their property without the responsibility of risking your wealth and labor to get it. You would rather hire someone to take it from them. And you have.

Yet these same officials from this same party are the wealthiest group of people in both the House and Senate. They have offshore accounts, forbid unions in their businesses and use every tax loophole they can find with their armies of accountants. But you keep sending them back to those jobs, because they promise to steal from some Americans and give to you.

You elect officials who openly embrace illegal activity; but they don’t have to live with the consequences. Other Americans pay the price. You support “sanctuary cities” and open defiance of federal law, including supporting administrations who sue our sister states as they desperately try to control a crime epidemic by supporting federal law. You support an administration that leads a party that gives a standing ovation to the leader of a country that exploits our kindness and actively encourages law-breaking in our country while insulting our fellow citizens who dare to try to enforce the law. Check out your elected officials; did they stand and applaud the racist diatribe of the president of Mexico? Did they join the attorney general and the head of Homeland Security in applauding this gaping hole in (homeland) security and law? Do you have locks on your doors? Why?

You elect officials who are openly racist, decrying that “White folks’ greed drives a world in need…” and that their own grandmother was a “…typical white person.” Someone who sits in admiration as their pastor (small p; no capital letters for racists), in a church he attended for 20 years, slanders the United States as the “…U.S. of KKK America” and delights that the 9/11 “…chickens have come home to roost.” Someone who refused to denounce a paramilitary, racist organization that placed its members in front of polling places armed with billy clubs, and yelling racist, threatening epithets. On video. And the Attorney General did nothing.

Oh, wait. The Justice Department is now apparently, under sworn testimony, the Department of Racial Payback. And you continue to support the party that supports this blatantly racist behavior because they say that they will stick it to “the man” on your behalf. A Nation of Cowards? I don’t think so; the courage of this breathtaking racism is without equal in modern times. One would think that you would use your votes to eradicate these racist policies from the U.S. But that assumes eradicating racism is your aim. It’s not, or you would be as incensed at this blatant racism as you would if sheet-covered whites were there. But longtime Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd’s old gang has been rightfully disgraced and shamed into a virtual non-existence. Thank goodness that 52 percent of you discourage that kind of behavior.

But you don’t. You support the tactic of using the epithet of “racist” as the cudgel of choice for racists who don’t like policies that conservatives advocate. Don’t like illegal activity? Racist. Your party insists that to provide a photo ID — proving you are who you say you are — is not only too much of a burden to ask a voter to bear, but it’s racist as well. This not only terribly insulting to all races, but when the burden of proof to rent the DVD “Second Hand Lions” (amazing movie!) is higher than that required to vote for someone who has control of nuclear weapons or deploying men and women into harm’s way, there is something wrong.

It doesn’t end there. Don’t like a particular female’s policies? Sexist. Yet, you support politicians who prey on 20-year old interns, seduce underage male interns, and, as a double bonus, support a person for the Supreme Court who says she is “wiser” than white people because of her race and sex. And any opponent of hers must be sexist and racist. Yet the prevailing double standard makes “bitch” an acceptable term for a conservative grandmother with the temerity to want to stop illegal activity. And “whore” is acceptable terminology for any conservative woman.

Sarah Palin seems to be a nice person, the kind you would love to have as a neighbor, regardless of her policies; but you insist that she is stupid and vile. She is ignorant and inexperienced, clearly not ready for anything, as holding a variety of elected and appointed positions culminating in the governorship of Alaska clearly doesn’t hold up against… an organizer of race-based communities. Sexist, if a conservative said those words about a liberal, but because she is not pro-killing-little-kids, 52 percent of you decided she was worth vicious ad hominem attacks that continue to this day. Not just saying that you disagree, but saying she is evil. You support it all. All because the folks that practice this abhorrent behavior promise to give you free health care stolen from other Americans who haven’t paid their ill-defined “fair share.”

My oath was this: “I, Mike, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

I took that oath seriously. But you have responsibilities, too. You should take them seriously.

Mike Banzet, a retired major in the U.S. Air Force, is a 1986 graduate of Flathead High School in Kalispell, Montana.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Presidential Arrogance and Veterans Day

I want to address two subjects today, our completely out of touch President and Veteran’s day.

As we all know, President Obama is on this India/Indonesia trip supposedly to attend the G20 summit. First off, in my view as always this summit will end up with the rest of the world sneering at the President and in effect telling him to “take a hike” as is usually the case. And as he is towing along something like 3,000 people and what not I see this as just another waste of taxpayer money as he rewards his Marxist friends, nothing more, nothing less. BTW: I was taken to task in my last post when I carped about the cost, supposedly inflating the cost figures as I took them from the news accounts I was reading at the time: Please note my comment from that post. “One other thing, The President is leaving on a trip that in some stories I've read will cost the American taxpayer 200 million a day (again, I do not know the true costs, but as the Navy is also involved the cost has to be horribly high). 3000 people are needed for this trip?” I state that I in fact do not know the true cost of the trip yet I felt it was horribly high. As is usually the case, the hard left morons only use the words they want one to see against the writer, not the truth. This brings me to my first point of the day.

The President is out there as usual basically bad mouthing the American public. By that I mean he as are his cohorts in his administration and his propaganda arm, the MSM are telling the world how stupid the American public is. Heaven forbid he should ever admit his policies are boneheaded and wrong! No, better to call us common people dumb, illiterate, scared, racist or whatever rather than face up to the truth! A few quotes I found in the news:

As you see in this first quote, the President has his propaganda ministers working in full force. I don’t say this as a joke! He and his kind are open in their hostility towards the electorate. They call us stupid. Amazingly, they don’t get it yet! We are paying attention now!

From Drudge: New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (R) has questioned the intelligence of the newly elected members of Congress. "If you look at the U.S., you look at who we are electing to Congress, to the Senate, they can't read," Bloomberg told a reporter while in Hong Kong for the C40 summit. "I'll bet you a bunch of these people don't have passports. We're about to start a trade war with China if we're not careful here -- only because nobody knows where China is. Nobody knows what China is."

The next two quotes are from our so called leader. As you can see, he is blaming the other side for in effect misrepresenting his policies. Pure and simple, the man, a hard core socialist is blaming the dumb electorate for not understanding or listening to his message.

From Obama interview: “I think the Republicans were able to paint my governing philosophy as a classic, traditional, big government liberal. And that's not something that the American people want.”

Well, at least he supposedly realizes we do not want big government. NOT! Moron Alert! All he’s doing is saying what he thinks we want to hear. He sure as hell doesn’t plan to change. He goes on to say in every interview in some way that he alone knows what is right and not matter what the lip service he pays, he will fight the evil Right. As he says below, he is unable to make us understand. Forget the fact that all he’s done for two years is talk down to the electorate. Good Lord! He had an unstoppable majority with which he should have been able to force his entire Socialist agenda on us yet he couldn’t! The people understand Mr. President. It’s jackasses like you that don’t.

“Making an argument that people can understand,” Mr. Obama continued, “I think that we haven’t always been successful at that. And I take personal responsibility for that. And it’s something that I’ve got to examine carefully … as I go forward.”
Last thought on this. His statement below is disgusting at best. He, to my knowledge has never referred to any other religion as great. And his view of Jihad is so out of touch with reality As to be childlike for want of a nastier word. This clown who refuses to admit that Muslim Fanatics are responsible for this is as usual cow towing to the enemies of this country.

“The phrase jihad has a lot of meaning within Islam and is subject to a lot of different interpretations, but I will say that first Islam is one of the world’s great religions. More than a billion people practice Islam and an overwhelming majority value their obligations to a religion that reaffirms peace, fairness, tolerance. I think all of us recognize that this great religion in the hands of a few extremists has been distorted by violence,”

“A religion that reaffirms peace, fairness and tolerance”! And this president and his followers think we the American public are stupid? This is absolutely beyond pathetic! I could go on, but I’m sure everyone gets the drift. Our President is an embarrassment to this country and in my view a traitor to our ideals.

Thursday is Veterans Day. As such, I want to first touch on another idiotic example of the Commander in Chief and his disdain for our military before I do my small part to honor our fighting men and women.

The other day, the President while in India gave a tribute to the people who were massacred by Muslim Terrorists in Mumbai. That anniversary happened to coincide with the massacre at Ft. Hood, a crime perpetrated by a Muslim terrorist! I swear, I have looked all over and have not seen one word from this scum bag in the Oval Office or his Marxist brethren as to Ft.Hood. Not only do they refuse to use the correct description of the person who shot these people (Muslim Terrorist for you lefty idiots out there) but the President of the United States could not even bring himself to acknowledge the one year anniversary of this heinous act! To this day, the government refuses to address a basic fact. Muslim Extremists, better known as terrorists want to kill us. And this president doesn’t give a damn! How dare he try to force his views on us and ignore not only our fighting men and women, but to also give short shrift to an episode that in many ways defines what is going on in the world today. This guy disdains our military and his country!

In past posts, I have mentioned my father, my two step fathers, my old man (F.B Lantz) as I call him, an employer who took me under his wing and I think helped make me the man I have grown to be and my son-in-law who is at this moment in Afghanistan. I wish to add to that list my brother Larry who served in both the Navy and Army. Proud soldiers and Veterans all. Over the years, I have been around magnificent people who have served in our armed forces. One note here. I tried to enlist in “69” but was rejected due to medical reasons. I only point that as I have been taken to task more than once with the “you never served argument” so what gives you the right to comment from our lefty friends. They are correct. I did not serve in the armed services.

As such, I cannot relate to what our service men and women have gone through. I can however tell anyone who wants to listen that I honor them all. I have been lucky enough in my life to have been surrounded by good honest men and women who have served. They never have asked for our thanks. They never have thrown it in my face that they served. They all to a man or woman simple felt that they did what they thought was their duty to God and Country. And yes, God is an important part of that.

These people in my discussions over the years with them only ask for one thing. “Please do not throw away everything our fore fathers have given you. Please do not waste what we have fought for. Please remember you live in the greatest country in the world” Again, this is what I feel the message is from them.

I and everyone in this country owe so much to our armed services. I thank them. I honor them. On this Veterans Day, the greatest gift we can give is not only recognition and thanks, but to disavow the course being taken by this anti-military government. Our military does not deserve that! They deserve our praise. They deserve our honor. They deserve our thanks. May god bless them all!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Election Thoughts and The Impending Depression

Something of extreme importance occurred yesterday which I will address after I throw out my post election comments.

This past week's elections, while having a rather good result, still leaves a lot to be desired. First and foremost, what in the hell is wrong with the people in Nevada? Hell, these folks don't even rate a Moron Alert. One of the reasons I left New Jersey was because the idiots there would always vote to shoot themselves in the foot, raise taxes and overspend. Those numb skulls had never met a tax hike they couldn't support. Well, the voters in Nevada managed to out dumb New Jersey! For that matter, the same can be said for the nimrods in California also. A state that is beyond bankruptcy elects the very people that drove them to the edge. I hate to think Biden was correct in his view that the electorate is stupid, but you sure have to wonder about the Democrats as to that. I for one am disgusted by my fellow Nevadans. As the stories of voter fraud flood in, the fact is we have only ourselves to blame. As usual, the electorate idiotically returned an entrenched politician to to the fold.

This election was a repudiation of the socialist policies advocated by this rancid administration. But do you think our so called President got the message? NOT! After he cried and moaned how he didn't get his message across to the people that only his asinine policies could save us, he once again claimed he would try to find compromise with the other side. Can one say "Crock of Shi.."? Who's this guy trying to kid. Moron Alert! The man is a committed Socialist. He intends to deliver this country to third world status. He does not in any way shape or form believe in the American way of life. His arrogance is astounding! After the most pathetic (maybe Carter was worse in this respect) press conference I have ever seen, one in which he, in my estimation basically told the American to blow it out their you know what! And if any one thinks for one minute this man is going to back down, forget it. He will pretend to play nice and continue to blame the other side as his policies further destroy our country. Lame ducks, executive orders, all will come into play here.

One other thing, The President is leaving on a trip that in some stories I've read will cost the American taxpayer 200 million a day (again, I do not know the true costs, but as the Navy is also involved the cost has to be horribly high. 3000 people are needed for this trip? That's 2 billion dollars for a ten day trip and for what? I notice the majority of people going with him are pretty much the same radical crowd he surrounds himself with. I'm assuming this clown will once again demean our country, apologize for our exeptionalism and once again remind the world that he will save it from us evil Americans. Personally, I find it hard to respect the man in the Oval Office. He surely does not represent me and I surely do not want him to. He is an embarrassment to our country and our way of life. In my view, he is a traitor. I feel that with every bone in my body.

While waste is apparent as in this trip, it and everything else going on pales in comparison to the horrible thing that was announced yesterday and how convenient that the President is escaping the country rather than have the balls to explain why he advocates devaluing our dollar by close to 20% This isn't a joke folks, this is fact!

Explanation. The Fed announced yesterday it is going to buy 600 billion dollars of bonds or in effect debt. This on top of 1.2 trillion dollars already spent for this. They call it "Quantative Easing". Can you say Bull Sh...? Basically, the Govt. is buying up it's own debt. But how exactly are they paying for this? Easy answer here folks. They are printing more money. In other words, in effect they will print 1.8 trillion new dollars. As there is nothing to back this, the dollar will shrink in value. Goods and services will cost more! In other words, we will suffer!

The Fed had promised not to "monetize" the system. Moron Alert number 2. They lied!!!
They said this has never been tried before. They lied!!! Germany, Argentina and countless other countries have printed money to cover debts only to bring on hyper-inflation. Beranke has openly admitted this sd to help raise stock prices. Gee Whiz. Sounds like the late 20's all over. The government today says the risk of a double dip recession is gone. No Shit Sherlock! (excuse the French) They aren't mentioning the coming depression. You kno,. the one that past history has always shown would happen when governments continually print unbacked money to cover their reckless spending. The Weirmar Republic (Germany) did this and look what that led to!

History! Why do we never learn from it? Why do our government officials constantly lie to us? Quantative Easing is nothing more than printing worthless money. We rename it or repackage and say it's never tried. The morons in D.C. in turn hope they can convince the public of this deception. And history repeats itself as one way or another they spend us into oblivion! When are we going to stop this?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Racist Administration? Sure Looks Like It!

Seeing I am on the subject of among other things Racism, I want to comment on the Black Panther Voting Intimidation case. I first must ask why did it take the Post almost a year and a half to figure out what was happening here? The administration, from the Racist in chief to the really openly racist running the justice Department openly lied to the American people! And the Washington Post was right there trumpeting the Administration's lies and deceit.

Below is form Andrew Breitpart but is all over the blog sphere:

Washington Post Blockbuster Confirms Worst Fears of Holder Justice Dept. Race Policies

by Andrew Breibart

Congratulations to the editors at the Washington Post. Seventeen months after the Eric Holder Justice Department dismissed a slam-dunk case against the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation , the Post gets around to printing a thorough vetting of the dismissal. The story is slated for Saturday’s print edition. While other media like Breitbart/The Bigs, Fox News, the Washington Times, the Weekly Standard, Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Investors Business Daily, Pajamas Media, and Drudge have had dozens of stories on the corrupt New Black Panther dismissal, the Washington Post at last is in the game.

The story is a shocker too. The shock comes from the middle of the road and factual nature of the story.

There are small problems with the story. For one, the Washington Post is the only outlet that calls King Samir Shabazz by his old “slave name” (Shabazz’s own words) of Maruse Heath. Even Heath doesn’t call himself Heath. Of course this takes some of the sting off Shabazz’s rants against Jews and calls to kill “cracker babies in their crib.”

The Post’s decision to change a man’s name for him is controversial. It has no place.
But overall, the story is very bad news for Eric Holder. It debunks many of the myths spun by the administration. Inside DOJ sources describe deep hostility to protecting whites at Justice. DOJ sources say panther prosecutor Christian Adams never allowed his conservative views to influence his work, contradicting administration spin. And perhaps most damning of all to Holder, sources defending the administration defend the idea that whites aren’t protected by the Civil Rights laws. The latter is the blockbuster news in the Post piece.

The Post also shatters the false administration spin that only low level career lawyers had a fight among themselves: “After the Obama administration took over, high-level political appointees relayed their thoughts on the case in a stream of internal e-mails in the days leading to the dismissal.” The administration told Congress and the public a lie for over a year, and now the Washington Post even knows.

The Post’s Jerry Markon and Krissah Thompson write, “But neighbors said they view Jackson and Heath – who declined to comment – as annoyances rather than threats.” What did you expect the neighbors to say?
The Post has a major revelation, the first on the record confirmation of the attitude inside the Civil Rights Division that whites should not necessarily be protected by the civil rights laws:

“The Voting Rights Act was passed because people like Bull Connor were hitting people like John Lewis, not the other way around,” said one Justice Department official not authorized to speak publicly, referring to the white Alabama police commissioner who cracked down on civil rights protesters such as Lewis, now a Democratic congressman from Georgia.”

This is a startling admission. It is part and parcel of a wide hostility to protecting whites who are victims of racial discrimination, as Christopher Coates and Adams alleged all along. That admission is a major mistake for the administration and should be made well known before the upcoming election.

The Post gathers more gold:

Three Justice Department lawyers, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they feared retaliation from their supervisors, described the same tensions, among career lawyers as well as political appointees. Employees who worked on the Brown case were harassed by colleagues, they said, and some department lawyers anonymously went on legal blogs “absolutely tearing apart anybody who was involved in that case,” said one lawyer.

For the first time in any media, the Washington Post has cracked sources inside the DOJ familiar with what is going on. Kudos to the Post for flushing out more corroboration of the Adams and Coates testimony.

There is this money quote:

“There are career people who feel strongly that it is not the voting section’s job to protect white voters,” the lawyer said. “The environment is that you better toe the line of traditional civil rights ideas or you better keep quiet about it, because you will not advance, you will not receive awards and you will be ostracized.”

So the Post does what nobody has been able to do – obtain deep sourcing inside the Department confirming what Adams and Coates have been saying for months. This is a devastating piece of work by the Washington Post. This is a rare moment where the old print media has returned to the higher standards of years past, and reported facts. A week from an election, it couldn’t have come at a worse time for Eric Holder."

This is stunning to say the least! Almost 18 months before a co-opted press told the truth! Why the Post finally came around is anyone's guess. The biggest Bulls... explanation I've seen is that they were double checking their sources. What a crock! As it always has been in the past, they finally had to cover their asses when they finally realized the folks they've been carrying the water for were in fact lying like hell! This case is one of the most important in the last twenty years.

A racist Justice Department with the approval of a Racist President conspired to protect an entity that was infringing on our most sacred right, the right to vote. The head of of the New Black Panther party and his minions have openly expressed their hatred for "whitey". With the dropping of the case by Mr. Holder and thus in fact the President, as he appointed this yahoo, one can only see this as an open hostility towards whites.

I have been branded a Racist because I believe in the ideals this country was founded on. In my world, it is not a crime to feel one should take responsibility for one's actions. It is not a crime to expect one to fend for one's self rather than leach off society. In my world it is a crime to stand at a voting place and overtly threaten someone as to how to vote. This of course brands me and most other honest Americans as Racist! Do you want to see real Racism (And for the record, I am fully aware there are still people who cling to that asinine tenet)? One needs to look no further than the NAACP, Jesse, Al or, sadly enough Mr. Holder and our President.

Juan Williams; A Victim of Racism and Basic Leftist Hate

By now, anyone with two eyes or ears has heard about Juan Williams and his firing from NPR. Mr. Williams is a liberal by every definition of the word. He is also in my estimation, an honest man who loves his country. His arguments are usually well reasoned and although I feel he is on the wrong side in most cases, I have always respected his views and commentary. So when he professed his discomfort as to Muslims, I did not take anything from it other than he was professing a feeling that is felt by the majority of Americans. Here is what I originally said as to this firing:

"This is the second time I’ve seen the liberal yo-yos take off on Juan Williams when he has “overstepped” his bounds and spoken a truth that was against the “party line” (for want of a better way to put it).

I have said more than once in the past that a government run co-opted media is but one step towards the Soviet style dictatorship that we witnessed with the old USSR. This is beyond Big Brother. This is not only the squashing of Free Speech, but is in fact taking away one of our most sacred rights. And he wasn’t even on an NPR show!

This Political Correctness, which is nothing more than a Gestapo style propaganda issue has to stop!
I for one do not agree with some of Mr. Williams stands. however, he has never been afraid to call it as he sees it and in this case he was correct! To be fired for relating the truth is beyond everything we hold sacred in this country.

Kudos to Mr. Williams for daring to stand up to the kind of censorship that is so warmly welcome by leftist Soviet and NAZI style governments!"

The day after I wrote that, there was one of the most asinine statements in defense of the firing I have ever seen!

"NPR CEO and President Schiller had the nerve to question Williams’ sanity. Schiller claimed:
Juan Williams should have kept his feelings about Muslims between himself and “his psychiatrist or his publicist.”

As the week has gone on, various and many people from both sides of the aisle have come to Mr. William's defense. Brit Hume for one feels somewhat that this is partially a racial firing in which I agree to a point. I refer to the fact in my first statement that this is at least the second time that the hard core leftist liberals (you know, the no count bastards that are always for the "people" unless it is counter to their hard core Anti-American beliefs) have come down on Mr. Williams. I remember about six months ago or so, Mr. Williams was sitting in for O'Reilly. A guest on the show in effect called Mr. Williams an "Uncle Tom", the wrong kind of black if you will as Juan had spoken against the garbage this racist was speaking and instead had espoused common sense.

So here is where I ask an important question. Why is there not any comment from our Racist in Chief, you know, that President guy? Or for that matter, why haven't we heard any defense for Mr. Williams from just about anybody in the administration? I've been looking but sure haven't seen anything. What about that great racist Jesse Jackson. Hell, even the Reverend Al at least (softly I might add) said the firing was wrong. And what about that most racist organization of them all, the NAACP? What, they can't defend an honest honorable black man and his freedom of speech. No surprise there I guess. They're to busy demonizing the majority of the American people by branding them as racist for clinging to the very basic tenets that this country was founded on. For sure, the can't be bothered defending someone who has strayed off the reservation and opined something that is contrary to their beliefs.

NPR, or the National Propaganda Radio Network as I call it should immediately lose all government funds. After all, they're getting more than enough money from that commie Soros guy! Seriously! NPR, provided one is not so blinded by the leftist ideology that they flat out refuse to see it is and has been nothing but a shill for the hard left for decades now.

I have said more than once in the past a co-opted media is one of the greatest enemies our country has. And yes,I do refer to the Nazis and Soviets and whoever as to what can happen when the Press refuses to do their job, preferring to spout the lies and distortions put forward by corrupt administrations. MORON ALERT! People like Goebbels, any hard core Red in the Soviet Bloc, Chavez in Venezuela and countless other anti-democracy thugs are seeing what is happening with the media here and all taking a sense of pride in the fact that they in the past and now have shown how it should be done. Lie to the people. Keep lying and silence those who dare resist.

I close with the following from Lisa Carter. I could not have stated this any better and certainly not from her shoes as a Black Conservative.:

Lisa Carter: "Juan Williams Fired For Being A Model African American"

Asserts the conservative Republican in Los Angeles: "Some claim that he was fired for being on Fox News (a station NPR religiously bashes) and others are even claiming racism. Some conservative African Americans, such as myself, believe the cause is racism, but not because Mr. Williams is Black — it’s because he is a model Black that liberals don’t want you to see or hear. 'Even though he has liberal views that I disagree with, Mr. Williams always comes across as intelligent and makes sure not to portray himself as a victim of White racism. Liberals want Blacks to be angry, poor and dumbed down so they can stick with the Democrat[ic] [P]arty. Mr. Williams doesn't fit that mold,' says Cheryl Clark, one of the only African American members of the Los Angeles based Young Republicans group. 'It’s really sad what Democrats have done to this country and to my race.'"

She continues: "By firing Juan Williams, NPR has become a symbol of the Democrat[ic] [P]arty that is rapidly becoming extinct in America. NPR used to stand up for the 'small guy' and used its power to speak out against racism, homophobia, and other types of discrimination. Now, NPR is a station of hate that vilifies anybody who disagrees with their extremist points of view."

I am proud to include her poignant commentary as to this subject.

Monday, October 18, 2010

President Liar!

I and others have been quite open as to our disdain for this Leftist piece of garbage that now inhabits the White House. I have been taken to task more than once for referring to him as a Marxist, a Racist and most of all one of the most despicable liars I have ever seen when it comes to politicians. The fact is politicians from both sides of the aisle are guilty of these shenanigans in one form or the other. Once they have had a taste of the power as to their office they will destroy their own party and of course throw any shred of dignity out the door to keep that power. all we need to do is witness not only our girl Lisa up in Alaska, but the behavior of the "establishment" Republicans and Democrats when it comes to someone from outside the cocoon.

Still, I don't think anything these clowns do is close to what the President has done! The man has backhandedly driven this country to the edge of bankruptcy and irrelevance! Openly lying about and denying every position he took in the past and would take, the electorate bought into this wanna be socialist dictators lies. And don't forget. President Bozo had a super majority in both houses yet couldn't (luckily) get parts of his Anti-American agenda passed. Of course that's the Republican's fault. After all, why blame it on his lackeys, you know the ones who didn't need one Republican vote to pass their failing agenda. Easier to lie about the opposition than accept responsibility for being an ideological moron.

It comes as no surprise to me that the President has been caught in another one of his lies to the public. The man has his elitest head so far up his you know what that he is to blind to see that the electorate is in fact paying attention. They are not stupid and they are tired of being talked down to and lied to. This is easily one of the most pathetic creatures to ever inhabit the White House. And there are people who actually applaud this clowns leadership? What leadership. Lies and deception. that's all there is. Want proof? Just look at this! Case in point:

From the PBS News Hour (Thanks to Michelle Malkin’s blog)

JIM LEHRER: Speaking of President Obama, there is this big piece in your newspaper’s Sunday magazine that’s already been read by everybody, at least anybody who has got an advanced company and who is interested in politics, about President Obama.
What do you think of piece?

…MARK SHIELDS: He didn’t have to do this. What he is doing, a retrospective before the election.

I mean, we have gone from perhaps the least introspective president to the most introspective president. I mean, he sits there and talks about what it means to him and all this. For goodness’ sakes, he’s got a responsibility to his party.
How would you like to be a Democratic member of the House fighting for your life right now, getting hit over the head for having voted for the stimulus bill, and have the president say in The New York Times Sunday magazine, there’s no such thing as a shovel-ready project?

JIM LEHRER: Yes. That was — that’s the piece that’s been — that particular quote has really been drawing the flies — the fleas, has it not?
DAVID BROOKS: Yes. Well, I shouldn’t have confessed this. He said this to me off the record about a year ago. But it hasn’t…

JIM LEHRER: Off the record? So, then you can’t talk about it.

DAVID BROOKS: Yes, because Peter Baker is a better than I am, because I couldn’t get him to go on the record with that thing.

JIM LEHRER: He said this to you a year ago?

DAVID BROOKS: It was obvious. I mean, you are trying to build a stimulus package. And when they were trying to build it, believe me, they would have loved to have filled it with infrastructure jobs. But the projects just didn’t exist. They couldn’t do it. They couldn’t find them."

Moron alert! The President openly lied to the public as to shovel ready projects, part of his so called stimulus package. He lied and he knew it!

While I fully agree that the Democrats record must be put forward first and foremost, the fact is that the lies and deception must also be emphasized.

The president says in The New York Times Sunday magazine, there’s no such thing as a shovel-ready project!

LIES and DECEPTION. In this the Democrats rammed close to a trillion dollars debt down the country's throats, based on a LIE!

Maybe what I'm trying to say is the lies and deception are part of their record and as such, it must be exposed for what it is.

The man has been living in his lie for years. The public must not allow this pattern of behavior to continue. Our elected officials must be held up to a higher standard. Barney lies about his involvement as to Freddie and Fanny. The list goes on and on, both sides guilty as charged. It has to stop now! Any incumbent who lies to their constituents, who talks down to them, tells them they are to dumb to comprehend the issues, etc. must be run out of office now! As to this Anti-American president, in my view his lies and deceit are tantamount to treason in my book. From my little corner of the world, he has not done anything except do his best to deliver us into the hands of his Marxist handlers and push our country closer to Third world status.
A lying President! Think about that folks. Oh, they all do it, but have we ever seen anyone so open about it?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Leader and a Horse's Ass. Guess Which Is Which

Hello All! I decided to step back for a week or so and just analyze (which according to the left I, as a conservative am too dumb to do. Ie: Biden for example says the issues involved are simply too complex for the ordinary man and woman to grasp AND Clinton says half of Republicans are crazy) the events of the last weeks or so. It has been an amazing week with the usual lies and deceit as well as an event that should remind all of us about the wondrous thing called the human spirit. As such, this is going to be a long discourse today as I’ve decided to illustrate the difference between a great leader and the horse’s ass we have in the White House (my opinion for you lefties out there.)

The last two nights the entire world was able to witness a miracle as the 33 miners trapped in a Chilean mine were rescued. This feat was accomplished through the unending efforts of the Chilean government as well the words community! I repeat. The efforts of the Chilean Government and the world community! As the first miner came out of the rescue capsule, I could feel the tears and the euphoria of what had transpired. The impossible had been achieved. This in turn, brings me to the “Great Leader” part of this post.

President Sebastian Pinera has shown what true leadership is about. At first word of the mining disaster, he cancelled everything he was doing and immediately went to the site. He personally took charge of the operation and the first thing he did was request any help, ideas or aid from the world community. The world responded. NASA supplied expertise. The escape tunnel used was drilled by a firm from Pennsylvania. I could go on as countless people from around the world came through with aid of some kind, aid which Chile did not turn down.

Can you understand that Mr. Obama? I doubt it. After all, you couldn’t even be bothered to accept offers for help as to the oil disaster. And you sure as hell didn’t bother to go down to the Gulf immediately. Only the usual knee jerk leftist oil is bad for you B.S. from you Mr. Obama. In Chile, President Pinera on the other hand stood tall. He put his reputation on the line. He didn’t care about regulations, or ego or anything. And he sure as hell didn’t bother with putting up with the kind of delays as we did here with the EPA, etc. The President of Chile stood tall, willing to take the blame for what went wrong and willing to accept responsibility no matter what happened. No finger pointing. No “woe is me” crying as to how something like this could possibly hurt his presidency. Simply a profile of sound leadership, something this president here could learn from. The world as a whole should look up and congratulate the President of Chile, their people, the countless folks from around the world who helped and most of all the miners, 33 men who demonstrated that rarest yet strongest faces of human nature. Courage, Honor and Dignity!

As to the gentleman I referred to as a horse’s ass. I noticed when President Pinera thanked the world leaders, he didn’t mention President Obama. I have to feel that slight was on purpose and having lived through the last two years of this clown’s leadership probably well deserved. So, what was our cry baby president doing the last few days?

First off, how about his desperate plea to the leftist kooks who still support him as reported below at a town hall meeting of some sort? This pathetic crying is leadership?

“President Obama pleaded with a crowd of supporters last Thursday in Maryland to prove the pundits wrong. Actually his direct quote was, “I … I … I… I … I … I … I”m betting on you, not on them.” Obama implored the crowd, “Don’t make me look bad.”

Or how about how he slams Republicans with his whining?

“In each of 20 political speeches over the last two months, Mr. Obama has included a riff in which he portrays GOP leaders as sipping Slurpees while hard-working Democrats struggle to pull the economy out of a ditch.

“We’re down there. It’s hot. We were sweating. Bugs everywhere. We’re down there pushing, pushing, pushing on the car. Every once in a while we’d look up and see the Republicans standing there. They’re just standing there fanning themselves — sipping on a Slurpee.”

Wait, it gets worse. Here he is spouting off as to how the Republicans will have to learn to do things his way:

From a NY Times Interview:

“either because they didn’t do as well as they anticipated, and so the strategy of just saying no to everything and sitting on the sidelines and throwing bombs didn’t work for them, or they did reasonably well, in which case the American people are going to be looking to them to offer serious proposals and work with me in a serious way.”

And of course we have his lies coming back to haunt him. So what does he do/ Why blame everyone but himself of course!

“Among the regrets the president said he felt during the 111th Congress is letting Republicans make him out to be “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.”

Obama said he also realized too late that “there is no such thing as shovel-ready projects,” a familiar refrain made by the president when he was trying to sell the stimulus package.

“There are almost 100 shovel-ready transportation projects already approved,” he said in August 2009. As recently as July of this year, he said, “Shovels will soon be moving earth and trucks will soon be pouring concrete.”

“Right now what I’m hearing from Democrats is the president is only useful for fundraising,” he said. “

Got to admit one thing though. He sure has made it hard for his party to even run on his positions as Mr. Krauthammer says below:

“Well that is quite an admission. You know, a year and a half and half a trillion dollars later he says these things that I talked about endlessly don’t exist. It’s not actually surprising that he doesn’t know what a shovel ready project is. Having never worked in the private sector he wouldn’t be sure what a project is and there isn’t a lot of shoveling at Harvard Law School.” So I can understand that this was one of the greatest “Oops” in American history. And it’s going to be hard for a democrat when you show one tape against another. They’re going to say, “So you supported a trillion dollars offered by a president who didn’t even know that this stuff that this stuff is not going to happen?”

While we’re on the subject of this failure in the White House, how is it that the president who was going to be the people’s president is in fact at the front of the line in playing the race card?

“During a speech in Philadelphia on October 10, Obama played the race card by suggesting that conservatives want to disfranchise black voters and others by suppressing their interest in voting. Obama said: “They’re counting on young people staying home and union members staying home and black folks staying home.”

Doesn’t stop there. We have the Black Panther Voter Intimidation case, one where his Justice Department decided to drop charges on a clear violation. What have we heard from Mr. Obama as to this miscarriage of justice? Not a damn word!

The Black Panther Case:

“The original Department of Justice complaint named Shabazz, Jackson and two other defendants: the New Black Panther Party and its chairman, Malik Zulu Shabazz, who planned deployment of 300 members on Election Day.

A federal judge ordered default judgments against the New Black Panthers after party members refused to appear in court. The DOJ trial team had won its case.

Even though DOJ lawyers had won, the Obama administration suddenly ordered it dropped – against advice of prosecutors who brought the case.

In April, the New Black Panther Party released a statement blaming Republicans, “tea-party racists” and “right-wing circles” for complaining and harassing the organization.

“Our only connection to President Obama is the common color of our skin,” it states. “The same dog that bites President Obama bites us too. So I say, if you were wise, you would leave Obama alone as well because he is your last chance to save your country. You are mad because a black man has been elected to the presidency, and that affronts your oversized ego.”

Last, but certainly not least, the President of the United States brazenly and openly lied as to the Chamber of Commerce and other groups not only as to funding but calling any group that stood against his policies threats to democracy. This from a hypocrite who is now upset that his completion uses the same legal tactics he and his party used in getting him elected.

From Reason.Com:

In the same vein, Obama last week repeatedly insinuated that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is using "foreign money" to fund ads criticizing Democrats. "Just this week," he said in a speech supporting the re-election of Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, "we learned that one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign corporations. So groups that receive foreign money are spending huge sums to influence American elections, and they won't tell you where the money for their ads comes from….This is a threat to our democracy." He said much the same thing during a campaign stop in Chicago.

Obama was referring to a Think Progress blog post reporting that the Chamber of Commerce receives revenue from affiliates in other countries. But as The New York Times noted, so do many other American organizations that are active in domestic political debates, "from liberal ones like the A.F.L.-C.I.O. and the Sierra Club to conservative groups like the National Rifle Association."

So when all is said and done, there it is, the difference between being a leader and being a horse’s ass. How sad that I have to say that the horse’s ass is our president.

Monday, October 4, 2010

March of the Democratic Socialst Party, Their Open Despite of America

In past posts, I have made it extremely clear I am, to say the least disgusted with both our Comrade in Chief and the hard left bias of the Democrats and so called “Progressive Republicans”. And yes, I openly refer to the President as a hard Core Commie Socialist and Racist. I say it and I believe it to the bottom of my heart. I and others have been taken to task for not only the above, but for also backing up our statements with facts, in most cases using their own words to show one what we are trying to refer to. For that, we are treated with deep contempt by the Obama Propaganda Machine (that’s the Main Stream media to you lobbies out there) as well as anyone on the left (including idiots like that sap in Alaska who lost on the Republican side).

One has to give the lefties credit though. Just when you think they can’t stuff their feet any deeper down their throats, they manage to dig their selves a deeper hole. If I were a comedian, I’d have to give them credit for the reams of material they were giving me. Unfortunately, this isn’t comedy. It’s reality and our country is in great peril thanks to the positions taken by the Commie buzzards now in charge. And for the record, I do not say this out of spite. I say these things because I firmly believe these people are Anti-American in their positions. Pure and simple!

That brings me to the “One Nation Working Together Rally” held in D.C this last weekend. Openly Anti-American and endorsed by our Socialist in Chief!

Others have pointed out not only the extremely dishonest reporting (boy, I must be mellowing on that last statement), the filth these people left behind and so on and so on. Below are just a few of the organizations which backed this rally. Please note again. The full list is huge and easily attainable; many sub splinter groups, etc. As I said, others have done a far better job of informing the public of this and I thank all for their work and writing.

Communist Party USA (CPUSA),
Americans for Democratic Action,
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation,
International Socialist Organization,
New York City Democratic Socialists of America

BTW: Couldn’t resist here. How can one do anything but equate this fiasco to a Communist Social rally? For God’s Sake! They were marching to and singing the old Soviet anthem!

I have a thought here, one that should cause even the Democrats to stop and take a good look at their selves. This rally was endorsed by Obama himself. In other words, our president endorsed and backs Socialists, Communists and every other fringe leftist group bent on destroying our country and her ideals! What you saw on display is the Democratic party at its worse (I guess I should say at its best if you listen to the cry baby propaganda machine). Pat Caddell , whom I’ve referred to in past posts among others has been pointing out for some time now that the Democratic party they knew had been hijacked! Wrong! The Democratic party for all intents and purposes is now dead! In its place now stands the National Democratic Socialist Party! I cannot even remotely express my contempt for people who are so blind to the threat facing our country. Only the Main Stream Press and their willingness to openly lie about what is going on disgust me more!

As to our Racist in Chief. Just the other day in a speech he stated "it took time to free the slaves." in trying to defend his failed policies. I could only take that to mean he feels anyone against his socialistic policies wants people to be and remain enslaved. We have the Black Panther controversy, one in which he openly supports his ultra racist attorney general as he dropped an open and shut case of voter intimidation purely because the defendants were black. Yes, I know I’ll be called the racist, but fact speaks for itself. The leader of the free world doesn’t even have the balls to correct a shameless illegal act. So much for bringing the people together! Again, there are so many examples of this horrible hypocrisy, provided one actually looks for it rather than just march lockstep to the party line!

Back to our little (I mean that, it WAS LITTLE) march on Saturday. I’ve tossed in a few of the racist groups below. As I know I’ll be taken to task for this, one point. The NAACP was once a proud organization with a valid goal! What happened to them? When did they decide that Racism is all right if practiced by them? As for “Push” and” LA Raz”a. Push is nothing but a sham front for Jesse and his extortion racket. And La Raza is openly one of the most hateful groups there are especially when it comes to (oops, dare I say it?) ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!

Rainbow PUSH Coalition,
National Council of La Raza

Our country is being destroyed from within! When Kruschev banged his shoe on the table all those years ago, he stated that exact intent. And it’s happening as we speak. Do we as a nation have the love of country to fight this? Or is the President correct and we instead settle for being like the rest of the third world failed countries? Class warfare, Racial Hate and Socialist practices all being espoused by the President and his hard left advisers and Congress. Are we to late to stop this? Thw world is looking for our leadership. We are not followers!