Saturday, March 21, 2015

Leader Of The Free World? Sure As Hell Isn't Obama!

It has been fascinating to say the least to watch as our Jew Hating President goes into a full school girl hissy fit as he was once again upstaged by a real leader. But it goes so much deeper then Bibi giving real President Jarret and her puppet Barak the one fingered salute. Think of this. Our pitiful excuse of a President, caught in lie after lie and in fact having been proven to be against our true allies and western civilization in general can only screech louder as the people of Israel collectively told him to not only blow it out his ass but handed him an epic beat down, ont that reminded all that this President hates not only Jews, but Christians and anyone who stands up to his Pro-Muslim, Hard Left Socialist , Anti-American ideals view of the world and worse, his bullshit belief that he is "Leader of the Free World"! How sad that I have to laugh at that one, but fact is fact.

I could go on as to my disgust and hatred (Bring it on those that will accuse me of racism for this statement! I hold those of you that equate my hatred of this man's policies and beliefs to racism just as responsible for what we have become and my disdain for you is just as high as it is for comrade Obama) of this man and his brain dead followers, but those of you who follow me understand it.

One thing for sure in my view. This man is not and will never be a leader, that is unless he can impose the dictatorship he dearly believes in on us all.And make no mistake of this. Any real leader of the Free World would never try the bullshit that is the so called "agreement" he is trying to broker with Muslim Extremist Iran! Forget his treason as to every ideal we stand for here at home. This scum bag is willing to sacrifice Israel and more for his Muslim Brothers! And hell, we haven't heard a word for all practical purposes ad to the genocide that is being waged against Christians world wide, much less the eons hatred and rage against the Jews. Oh no! Our so called President doesn't give one damn about that! They talk about his legacy! My Ass! Even some traitors in history have a wee bit of honor, but not this lying sack of shit!

Enough of that and sorry about the crudeness of my tirade. What I really had intended today was to approach  the subject of leadership. As I read the news and such, I stumbled upon 2 excellent articles which in my view show the difference between a leader and a snot nosed petulant kid who once shown up can only whine rather than look into the mirror and admit the truth about himself, that truth being he is in fact a loser or worse. It's easy for me to point out my hatred for this man and his followers. As I said above, actions and words mean something and every action this clown has taken is against all I believe in. But to throw our allies and more under the bus? That in itself deserve our disdain and it is not racist!

As to what has gone on the last few weeks, it can be assumed I stand with Israel, but please note. I am also standing for the U.S. and all who see the destruction and worse that is coming towards Western Civilization as this President toes the Anti-American, Anti-Israel line that his mentors have instilled in him. Barak Obama is not a leader. He is a coward and worse and even addressing him as President sickens me! So let's look a a real leader! We watched as Baby Barak tried to pressure Bibi the last few months. So let's see  who Bibi Netanyahu really is.

From IJReview:

But before anyone thinks that political pressure is going to intimidate Netanyahu, they should remember where he came from.

1. Netanyahu is a war hero.
The Prime minister fought in three wars for the State of Israel. He enlisted in the IDF at the age of 18, volunteering for an elite commando unit named Sayeret Matcal. Bibi would go on to serve six years in the IDF, retiring as a Captain.

2. He has taken bullets for his country.
Bibi was deployed on many extremely dangerous special forces missions throughout his career. He fought on the front lines in the Yom Kippur War and was nearly killed in the Suez Canal. He was shot in the shoulder during a daring rescue of a terrorist hijacked plane in 1972 and has been wounded in battle twice.

3. His family has paid the highest price for Israeli freedom.
Bibi’s brother Jonathan Netanyahu died when rescuing 100 Israelis held hostage on a hijacked flight by Palestinian and East German terrorists. Jonathan was awarded the Medal of Distinguished Service by the IDF. In commemoration of his brother, Bibi started the Jonathan Institute to raise awareness and combat of international terrorism.

4. He’s damn smart.
He studied at both MIT and Harvard, eventually earning dual degrees in Management Studies and Architecture. He was recruited by Boston Consulting in 1976 — eventually working alongside Mitt Romney — with whom he became personal friends.

5. Netanyahu is one of the most successful politicians in Israeli history.
He has held these positions since entering Israeli politics:
  • Deputy Chief of Mission, Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC (’82-’84)
  • Ambassador of Israel to the United Nations (’84-’88)
  • Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (’88-’91)
  • Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office (’91-’92)
  • Chairman of Likud, Leader of the Opposition (’93-’96)
  • Prime Minister (’96-’99 & ’09-present)
  • Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister (’02-’03)
  • Israeli Finance Minister (’03-’05)
  • All around badass (1949-present)
And Netanyahu has now addressed Congress as many times as Winston Churchill.
So, just remember that when trying to intimidate this bro.

What exactly has Barak Obama done that in any way equates to Bibi's life. Not a damned thing and I'm still waiting for an example. But what the hell. Empty suits usually are just that! About the only thing between the 2 of them that equates is they both went to Harvard! I know who I would take, but I wonder who Harvard is really prouder of? I'd hate to think that one of the premier educational institutions in the world would pick Obam, but as the are now basically citadels for the Liberal Elite, it wouldn't surprise me and shame  on them if that is the case.

Let me rest my case with the following I just found. As the guy who reposted it said below, I wish I had written it!

The Chicken Shit Leader of the Free World

Oh how I wished I would have written this. The true essence of our President. From Bill Whittle. Copied in it's entirety here. -Brian

He’s the Leader of the Free World, elected by a civilized nation: militarily powerful because of, and not in spite of, it’s cultural commitment to science and art and medicine.

Although he spent much of his early life overseas, the Leader of the Free World grew up in the Northeast, and graduated from Harvard University. That he has a deep and abiding love for America is self-evident: he admires our energy, our inventiveness; our decency and kindness; our innate friendliness and charity. He loves our culture; he admires our private sector which generates so much innovation. And the Leader of the Free World admires and respects our vast military power, and the restraint which it is used – to him, it is indeed the Arsenal of Democracy.

And even though he has grown up the victim of bigotry and hatred, the Leader of the Free World loves America, even though slurs are applied to him still today. In spite of all that, he loves everything she stands for.

And there he stood, backed by American flags and framed in American glory – on the floor of the House of Representatives; where his predecessors made the case to fight against the great evils in the world: slavery. Nazism. Japanese Imperialism. Communism.

There he stood: The Leader of the Free World; a thoughtful, serious man making a thoughtful, serious case to the World’s Greatest deliberative body. The Leader of the Free World spoke frankly of the need to confront today, as we have confronted in the past, this latest threat to freedom, and science, and medicine, and art, and the basic human rights not only of women, and homosexuals but of everyone to live their own lives as they saw fit. He spoke against the clear and present danger posed by Islamic savages, motivated by religious hatred, implacable in their desire to see the world burn – and especially about the threat posed by the stat of Iran, which is working feverishly, night and day, so see those fires burn not at hundred but rather at thousands of degrees.

The President of the United States declined to attend this speech by the Leader of the Free World, because the President of the United States has called the Leader of the Free World “chickensh**.”

One of them is, anyway. Which one, I wonder?
You know, the internet has a wisdom all its own. Taking a snapshot of both these men in their youth, someone wrote:

Obama smoked Ganja; Netanyahu smoked terrorists.

Just a casual read of Dreams From My Father – and how it was written – show the President of the United States to have been a lazy, boastful, vain, disrespectful, sullen, pot-smoking narcissist who played basketball at the most exclusive private school in Hawaii, got high kicking back on the beach, and repeatedly blew off his book deadline after having spent the huge advance money. His brother, Mark Obama Neh-Des-AND-jo, lived in obscurity and utter poverty in Kenya, utterly ignored and unaided by his brother, The President of the United States of America.

Bibi Netanyahu was described by his teachers as courteous, polite, helpful, responsible, punctual, friendly, disciplined, cheerful, brave, active and obedient. After growing up in Pennsylvania, The Leader of the Free World returned to Israel, joined the IDF as a Special Forces commando, was part of the team that rescued the hostages aboard Sabena flight 571 – during which he was shot in the shoulder – then went back and fought along the Suez Canal in the Yom Kippur war before returning to America to get his degrees from both Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. HIS brother, Yonatan Netanyahu, was the only Israeli commando killed during the rescue of 100 Israeli hostages in the Raid on Entebbe on July 4th, 1976.

THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD – you know, the chickensh** one -- rescues his people when they are held hostage – PERSONALLY rescues them – and stands arm in arm with world leaders against the endless, savage, Islamic murders of Jews and all civilized people.

THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES goes golfing while hostages are being murdered – PERSONALLY goes golfing – and will not so much say the words “Islamic Terrorists” or “Jews” as our time for chickensh** posturing and preening runs out as fast as the nuclear centrifuges spinning in Iran.