In my earlier post, I tried to discuss at length the hatred and Anti-Semitism that now is evident and in fact endorsed by this pathetic excuse of a President and his party as is evidenced with their open support of the “Occupy whatever” morons and the Anti-Jewish hatred being pushed by them. One should make no mistake of this fact. Obama and the Democratic Party have in fact tied themselves in with and with the docile support of their propaganda industry the MSM openly supported the movement which is rife with hatred of America, Jews and our ideals in general. Now, I want to focus on the racial aspect of this hate!
When the left (and unfortunately sometimes the right) do not have a leg to stand on, when fact trumps every argument they have, their only recourse is and has been personal attacks and hate! Beware the wounded tiger. It will do anything to survive. Racial hate, class warfare, open bald faced lies anything is fair game to them in their attempt to keep power.
The quotes below, as in my last post are just an extreme few yet easily show thw racial hate being put forward by not only the left and the MSM, but so called black leaders, all of whom either in their silnce or their words support the views below!
“Harvard professor Randall Kennedy claimed “Black people know that if Herman Cain had his way, their lives would be diminished.” Former Time reporter Jack E. White added “Herman Cain tells them what they want to hear about blacks, and in turn, they embrace him and say, see, that proves we aren't racist. He's even willing to be a minstrel for them.”
“MSNBC Democratic strategist Karen Finney: Very seriously, this is a little harsh but, one of the things about Herman Cain is, I think that he makes that white Republican base of the party feel okay, feel like they are not racist because they can like this guy, I think he giving that base a free pass.
MSNBC Host Martin Bashir: Wow.
Finney: And I think they like him because they think he’s a black man who knows his place. I know that’s harsh, but that’s how it sure seems to me.”
Bashir: Well, thank you for spelling that out.”
“I think when [members of the Tea Party] can vote for a Herman Cain and hear him say the things that he says they feel like, ‘Well, you know, I can, I support this guy and…so it shows that I’m not racist and I’m supportive,’” Cummings told host David Gregory.”
“ROGER SIMON, POLITICO: Can I just say one thing about the birther issue? It's not a fun issue to poke somebody on. It is more than a little bit racist. It grew, not everyone who believes it is a racist, but it grew out of the belief that a black man could not be legitimately elected to the President of the United States. Now why would Perry use that in the primaries instead of saving it for the general when he's running against President Obama? Well, it's because being extreme perhaps, and, a little bit racist perhaps, gives you good bona fides in a Republican primary. It shows them you're on the same side as they are”
Leonard Pitts:
“So why don’t blacks vote Republican? The answer is simple. Black people are not crazy. Being not crazy, they understand a simple truth about conservatives: They have never stood with, or up for, black people. Never.”
Forget modern controversies like mass incarceration. Social conservatives, then based largely in the Democratic Party of the early to mid 20th century, opposed the Voting Rights Act. They opposed the Civil Rights Act. They opposed school integration. They opposed the Montgomery Bus Boycott. They opposed a law to crack down on lynching.
These are the people for whom African Americans are now supposed to vote? To make the argument is to betray a stunning contempt for the intelligence — and memory — of black voters.”
We can go on and on in this vein, but to what purpose? There is now a Conservative Black man running for President. The left, unable to stand on their record has as always resorted to racial hate and class warfare. In this case, they have sent out their attack dogs on a decent man who preaches self-reliance and responsibility to get ahead as well as adherence to the principles that made this the greatest country ever! He is a steadfast supporter of Israel and our allies in general. And what do we get from the left? He is the wrong kind of black! As shown above, racial hatred is ok if spewed by the left or the administration. Heaven forbid that there would be such a thing as a conservative black man! Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Armstrong Williams and MLK’s niece who I apologize but her name escapes me are all vilified as traitors to their race!
I cite below David Limbaugh who I think captures what I’m trying to say:
“– On a related matter, Democrats have slandered genuine grassroots Tea Partiers as lawless, racist, AstroTurf scofflaws who are sometimes even domestic terrorists, despite the Tea Partiers’ peaceful, respectful behavior, no evidence of racism and almost no arrests at any of their events. Liberals pejoratively labeled them Tea Baggers and mocked their legitimate protests against the unprecedented spending of the Obama administration. But when leftist Occupy Wall Street protesters have truly been organized from above, have engaged in lawless and violent behavior leading to many arrests and have spewed anti-Semitic bile, liberals, including President Obama himself, have lionized them and identified with their cause.”
While David is on the money here, it has to be mentioned that the president, the usual morons such as Jess, Al and the rest of the intellectually corrupt black leadership in general as well as the white apologists or as I would refer to them the leftist racist scum are completely silent as to the vicious hatred being directed at Herman Cain! We see the “he is the wrong kind of black” argument or the “ he is just a make me feel good black candidate so as I won’t feel guilty” argument. What the left and in turn the administration has not done is to refute the hate. They and their spokesmen are more than happy to slam any black man that has the balls to not only stand up to the policies are designed to keep them underfoot of the power lusting politicians (RINO scum politicians included as they are part of the problem) but in fact with their silence support and enable the political lynching that is taking place.
I was listening to MLK’s niece the other day who espouses everything that Herman Cain preaches, self responsibility, work ethic, color blindness, etc. Yet the left slams the man as an Uncle Tom! Where are you Jesse? Oops! Forgot. You’re to busy race baiting because Mr. Cain does not support your views! Can’t have someone as President who would call you out on your racial hatred and biases could we? Same to you Al! And BTW: What about our friend Atty: General Holder? I’m assuming one shouldn’t be surprised that the man who openly supports the Black Panthers in their Voter Intimidation cases is extremely silent as to the racist hate being spewed at a fellow black American! Why? Oops! Can’t be racist hate if the person it’s aimed at is a conservative that stands against the administration can it?
On Sept 29th, LL at Virtual Mirage Put out the following:
Is Herman Cain really Black?
Liberals seem very upset that black businessman and conservative, Herman Cain, is doing well in polling on the run-up to the Republican primary process. And why shouldn't they be? The black political stereotype is cracked beyond recognition by Cain's candidacy. Thieves-in-office such as Congressman Charlie Rangle (D-NY) and Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) tend to be the people that we think of when we think of the Black Congressional Caucus.
Liberal actor and lesbian issues activist, Janeane Garofalo feels as if Herman Cain is simply not 'black enough' and is the Tea Party's boy.
He simply doesn't fit the model of shiftless political gadfly Barack Hussein Obama Jr., the Reverends Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson and other 'famous, but useless' activists and political organizers. Herman Cain has actually had jobs with massive responsibilities -- which from a liberal point of view, paints him as dangerous and suspicious.
From a 'progressive' point of view, Herman Cain simply can't be trusted. Clearly (following Garofalo's logic), any Republican who supports Cain's candidacy must be a racist. His big win in Florida's straw poll is clear proof that Republicans are racists according to the progressive icons. It's a good example of how they think and how they process information."
LL’s point is clear. He cites and has video of the morons who question the man’s blackness and in effect disqualify him in their minds because of his conservative beliefs. “He isn’t back enough”, a phrase we have heard many times in the past from the left whenever a black American has in effect butted heads with the establishment. Yet where is the outcry from the left? Why is the President, a black man, so silent when a fellow black man is racially slammed by his own party. He sure as hell couldn’t say enough when a black man was supposedly wrong by a police man doing his job. Boy, Mr. I’m Against Black Injustice was right there, wasn’t he as were Maxine, Al and all the others! Words and actions or lack of them speak louder than anything else. As such, the racial divide in this country is widening once again at an alarming rate and it is spearheaded by this President
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