Sunday, July 14, 2024



Hello Folks!!

I know it's been quite a while, but I just haven't been able to get over my despite an hate as to what this country is becoming.

As such, I've kept away from this because I'll get fingers ahead of the brain disease and I'm sure I would have blasted more than one thing out I would have regretted.

But yesterday was the last straw. The attempt on Trump was not and should not have been surprising

Far too many on the left and unfortunately the right have expressed more than once their hatred and contempt for the man and many have wished him dead both in speech and the written word.

How could one not expect this when we have the slime on the left standing behind the rioters and other garbage out there, justifying or excusing their every move.

How could one not expect this when we have an open door policy allowing millions of people into the country, many known to be evil but so what?

What about defunding the police? What about dropping charges so many times on the criminal element?

What about our elected officials like Maxine Waters who openly suggested the rioters should have been violent as they are neglected by the folks who bust their asses to survive. 

Hell. What about the city in California that wants to fine Target (not that I have much use for Target) for calling 911 to many times to report a crime?

The list goes on and on, but let it suffice the lefties and Rhinos in this country have allowed this and in fact fomented the evil and violence that has become an everyday fact of life in this country.

Having said that, I want to address something about this I ran across yesterday with the help of a good friend.

As I've said, the violence openly approved by the left is having it's consequences.

In turn their is of course the double standard shown by these idiots when they in fact justify the actions of these morons and of course blame the good people who believe in simple law and order

I received this late yesterday and in turn checked it out to be true before deciding to jump back into the fray.

On July 8th, the so called President said the following and I quote:

" We're done talking about the debate. It's time to put Trump into the bullseye"

Where in the hell is the outrage for this comment?

Moron alert!

The leftist scum went crazy over an add with a bullseye that Sarah Palin ran some years back

OH MY God! She's advocating violene was the mantra from the co-opted press and the lefties

Taht is a fact tha did happen.

So why in the hell isn't their any outrage as to President Bozo's statement.

Oh, I forgot. This comes from a guy who is hell bent on destroying this country

The border, his snuggling up with China, his proxy war in the Ukraine and his disdain for the law when it comes to things (other than using it to spy on and go after anyone who is in opposition to him ) and his hatred for Israel is disgusting

So I really don't want to hear from these bleeding heart lefties about the guns or the "we're trying to save Democracy" or anything else as to their aims for this country.

Yesterday, we were brought closer to a civil war! it is creeping up on us as fast as hell and the left wants it. I wouldn't put it past this clown to then proclaim Martial Law the start disarming everyone

Not a joke folks. The informed electoraet has got to stop this shit and stop it now!

Sunday, February 7, 2021

A Warning From One Who Lived Through The Coming Dictatorship Here


I found this over at My Daily Kona. As I read it, I was reminded of when I first (many eons ago) read the Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn and the warnings of what could transpire elsewhere it elicited.

When one now sees the “purge” coming in the military of “wrong thinking soldiers” (that would be Patriots to those out in lefty land), as well as the fact that the National Guard is not only built up in DC and in fact have live ammo and according to many have orders to shoot if warranted, one can only wonder if the Sheeples will once again cower in their homes and agree to the coming dictatorship.

The quote by Solzhenitstyn sums it up clearly and I for one wonder, quite seriously I might add, what will the soldiers do when ordered to shoot their own people. Sadly, I'm afraid it could come to that with the hard core Anti-American government officials we now have who claim to "be in fear of their lives"

We see Antifa and BLM brazenly riot, destroy and harass people with no worry of being prosecuted while Patriotic citizens are hassled and worse by their own government. Seems like they are the new Brownshirts and they are praised rather than condemned! But make sure you snitch on your neighbor for any wrongthink!

We’re close to the point of no return and one wonders if the people will now stand up or continue with their “hands out, victim mentality” and continue to give up their freedoms and rights. It’s coming and I fear the end result is going to be beyond ugly.

From the Daily Kona:

A New Local Militia for the modern times?

 "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"  This is the original version in the national archives.  Pretty self explanatory.  To me the words "Well Regulating" meant that they elected their own officers and preformed the training required of the militia of the day and they equipped themselves with the common weapons of the day, it was logical to me  why people had issues with the explanation was beyond me.